Freelance Design Links

FreelanceDesign Tip Book
Art & Creative Directors
Creative Directors: Leading A Team
Art Director: Creative Or Practical?
The Web: Your Professional Presence
What Skills Do I Need to Be a Creative Director?
A Freelance Creative Director's Career
A Freelance Art Director's Career
Placing an Ad for an Advertising Art Director
Art Direction in Film
Being a Freelance Creative Director
Beyond Technique
What a Creative Director Does
Hiring an Entry-level Creative Art Director
The Job of an Art Director
Art Director? Join the Club
Art Director vs. Creative Director
New Business? Advertise Professionally for Less
What Skills Do I Need to Be a Creative Director?
A Freelance Creative Director's Career
A Freelance Art Director's Career
The Best of Both Worlds
Idea Generation (Brainstorming Part I)
Evaluating Creative Ideas (Brainstorming Part II)
A Walk on the Business Side
Evaluating Creative Portfolios
Tech Skills for Art Directors
Becoming a Freelancer
Health Insurance For Freelancers
Word of Mouth
Ta-da! You're a Freelancer
Your Freelance Portfolio
Competing for Freelance Work
Am I a Freelancer or a Contractor?
Effective Electronic Portfolios
Filling the Gaps in Your Portfolio
The World is Your Market
Pricing Your Work
Should You Work for Free?
Ghost Writing: A Creative Way to Earn Money Freelancing
The Power of Networking
Joining Freelance Communities
Working in the Media Means Devouring the Media
Ghost Writing: A Creative Way to Earn Money Freelancing
Taxation and Freelance Work
Transitioning from In-house to Freelance
The Ups & Downs of Freelancing
History of Freelance
The Power of Networking
Joining Freelance Communities
Working in the Media Means Devouring the Media
Ta-da! You're a Freelancer
Your Freelance Portfolio
Competing for Freelance Work
Getting Involved in Your Industry
Joining Freelance Communities
Freelancing as a Career Choice
Freelance Checklist
Brand Managers & Marketing
Social Media Directors
Managing Social Media
Marketing Yourself
Marketing: Specialize and Conquer
What Does a Brand Manager Do?
Brand Management and People Management
What Does a Brand Manager Do?
Brand Management By the Numbers
Brand Management and People Management
Brand Management as a Creative Career
Brand Disconnect
Branding and Naming
Launching a New Brand
Re-Energizing a Tired Brand
Emotions and Branding
Copy Editors
Copy Editing vs. Proofreading
Editorial Freelancer's Skill Set
Starting Out as a Freelance Copy Editor
Building Your Copy Editing Portfolio
Style Sheets
Know Your Clients
People Skills for Copy Editors
Technical Copy Editing
Fact Checking
The American Copy Editors Society
The Poetry of Advertising
Versatility As A Copy Editor
Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines
What a Good Web Copy Editor Can Do For You
Copy Writers vs. Copy Editors
The Crowning Touch of Headlines
Two For One
Refreshing Your Web Content
Copy Editing vs. Proofreading
Copy Editors & Language
Copy Editing as a Freelancer
The Editorial Eye
SEO Copywriting
Copywriting and Blogging
Ghost Writing: A Creative Way to Earn Money Freelancing
Content Writing
Thinking Like a Copywriter
Yes, You Need a Proofreader
Content Writing
Search Engine Optimization
Thinking Like a Copywriter
Writing for People
Headlines that Work
KISS (Keep It Simple, Smartguy)
Yes, You Need a Proofreader
Two in the Heart, One in the Head
Your Copywriting Portfolio
Freelance Agencies
Finding a Reputable Freelance Agency
Where to Look for a New Hire
Flexibility for Employers
A Quick Fix for Your Freelance Career
Working in the Media Means Devouring the Media
Finding a Reputable Freelance Agency
Starting a Freelance Career
Going From Freelance to Full-time
Nine-to-Five Not Your Thing?
For Designers Who Hate Marketing
Avoid Common Agency Pitfalls
Types of Graphic Design Agencies
How to Hire a Graphic Designer
Types of Graphic Design Openings
Agency Work as Learning Opportunity
Yes, This Will Be On The Test
The Agency as Employer
Getting the Most Out of an Agency Job
Signing With A Talent Agency
Career Re-Entry
Make It A Good Match
Switching Careers
For Designers Who Hate Marketing
Types of Graphic Design Agencies
How to Hire a Graphic Designer
Freelance Design Jobs
Logo Design
Ad Design
Corporate Identity
Job Search Tips for Freelancers
Representing Yourself as a Freelancer
The Freelance Lifestyle
Logo Design
Web Site Design
Ad Design
Annual Reports
Corporate Identity
Catalog Design
Packaging Design
Integrated Media
Designing for Video
The Freelance "Bible"
The Freelance "Bible"
Avoid Burnout
Electronic Cold Calls
Freelance Desktop Publishing Work
The Big Red Pen
Rates and Contracts for Freelancers
The Freelance "Bible"
The Freelance "Bible"
Freelance Programming Jobs
Graphic Designers
Getting Involved in Your Industry
Getting Involved in Your Industry
Portfolios For Graphic Artists
Going to School for Graphic Art
Tricks of the Graphic Art Trade
Designing Logos
How to Stay in Business as a Freelance Graphic Artist
Graphic Design Partnerships
Should You Work on Spec?
Qualifying Prospects
Track Your Hours
Contracting With Suppliers
How to Be a Great Graphic Designer
Beginning a Career in Freelance Graphic Design
Graphic Design Jobs
The Craft of an Established Graphic Designer
What's in the Portfolios of Talented Graphic Designers
Computer Knowledge of Graphic Designers
What to Look Out for When Hiring a Graphic Designer
Banner Ads: An Easy Way to Promote Your Business
Where to Find Graphic Artists
Does Your Graphic Artist Have Computer And Print Skills?
Getting What You Need From Your Graphic Artist
Showcase Your Graphic Artist's Work
Elements of a Freelance Design Contract
Getting Paid for Graphic Design Work
Mockups and Prototypes
Client Communication
Photoshop Help
Logos As A Specialty
Graphic Designers: The Difficult Client
Elements of a Freelance Design Contract
Getting Paid for Graphic Design Work
Mockups and Prototypes
Opimizing Your Web Illustrations
A Picture Says A Thousand Words
Making a Commercial? Hire a Storyboard Illustrator
The Science of Illustration
Keeping Your Online Portfolio Safe
Getting Work as a Freelance Illustrator
Illustrators' Home Offices
Illustration: Where the Work Is & How to Get It
Opimizing Your Web Illustrations
Opimizing Your Web Illustrations
Illustrators And The Online Portfolio
Freelance Markets For Artists
Print Media Design
What is Print Media Design?
An Exercise in Print Design
Offer Your Clients Variety
Using A Placement Agency To Find Print Design Talent
Innovation In Print Design
Print Design: The Client is King
Direct Mail: Don't Underestimate The Power of the Post
Production Artists
What Do Production Artists Do?
Press Checking
Finding Work As A Freelance Production Artist
Production Artists: Skills Needed
From Freelance Artist To Production Artist
What Do Production Artists Do?
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
The Difference Between a Copywriter and a Proofreader
Proofreading Overview
References For Proofreaders
How to Start a Career as a Freelance Proofreader
Why You Need a Proofreader
How to Stay Organized as a Proofreader
What to Expect When You Hire a Freelance Proofreader
Styles of Proofreading
Paying a Proofreader
The Difference Between a Copywriter and a Proofreader
The Difference Between a Copywriter and a Proofreader
Web Design Firms
Paying Your Web Design Firm
Creating the Look of Your Company
Joining a Web Design Firm
What a Logo Design Firm Can Do For You
Creative vs. Conservative
Web Designers
Web Design By Any Other Name
Negotiating Pay For Web Design Work
Web Site Design: To HTML or Not to HTML?
Web Designers, Do Your Homework!
When Hiring a Freelance Web Designer
How a Web Designer Can Increase Your Business
Preparing for Your Web Designer
Copyrights to Your Web Site
Finding Web Design Jobs
Simple Sites
Web Graphic Formats
Know Your Users
User Experience
Web Navigation
Cross-Browser Compatibility
Web Site Accessibility
Effective Web Advertising
Finding Web Design Clients
Continuing Ed For Web Designers
Finding Web Design Jobs
Know Your Users
Web Developer
Savvy Web Developers Watch Page Footers
So You Want To Be A Web Developer
Tools For Good Web Site Developers
Spec Sites
Considering Custom Web Development
The Challenges of Web Developers
Resources For Web Developers
What Web Developers Charge
The Importance Of Web site Maintenance
Savvy Web Developers Watch Page Footers
Savvy Web Developers Watch Page Footers
Working with Freelancers
Hiring a Freelance Designer
Where the Freelancers Are
In-House or Off-Site?
Freelancers at a Distance
The Lure of Inexpensive Freelancers
Before You Hire a Freelancer
Contracts and Freelancing
Communicating with Freelancers
Freelancer Testimonials
Paying Freelancers
Freelancers as Job Candidates
Training Freelancers
The Power of Networking
In-House or Off-Site?
Freelancers at a Distance
The Lure of Inexpensive Freelancers
Communicating with Freelancers
Freelance Design Newsletter Archive
Types of Graphic Design Agencies
Ad Design
Corporate Identity
Logo Design
Elements of a Freelance Design Contract
Getting Paid for Graphic Design Work
Mockups and Prototypes
What Do Production Artists Do?
Finding Web Design Jobs
Know Your Users
Communicating with Freelancers
Freelancers at a Distance
In-House or Off-Site?
The Lure of Inexpensive Freelancers
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Client Communication
Mockups and Prototypes
Designing for Video
Integrated Media
Packaging Design
Catalog Design
Annual Reports
Ad Design
Web Site Design
Getting the Most Out of an Agency Job
The Agency as Employer
Yes, This Will Be On The Test
Agency Work as Learning Opportunity
Types of Graphic Design Openings
Types of Graphic Design Agencies
Avoid Common Agency Pitfalls
Savvy Web Developers Watch Page Footers
Opimizing Your Web Illustrations
Finding a Reputable Freelance Agency
Working in the Media Means Devouring the Media
Joining Freelance Communities
The Power of Networking
The Difference Between a Copywriter and a Proofreader
Ghost Writing: A Creative Way to Earn Money Freelancing
Getting Involved in Your Industry
The Freelance "Bible"
The Freelance "Bible"
Training Freelancers
Freelancers as Job Candidates
Paying Freelancers
Freelancer Testimonials
Contracts and Freelancing
Before You Hire a Freelancer
Press Checking
Contracting With Suppliers
Track Your Hours
Qualifying Prospects
Should You Work on Spec?
Graphic Design Partnerships
Tech Skills for Art Directors
Evaluating Creative Portfolios
A Walk on the Business Side
Evaluating Creative Ideas (Brainstorming Part II)
Idea Generation (Brainstorming Part I)
The Best of Both Worlds
Your Copywriting Portfolio
Two in the Heart, One in the Head
KISS (Keep It Simple, Smartguy)
Headlines that Work
Writing for People
Thinking Like a Copywriter
Search Engine Optimization
Content Writing
Fact Checking
Technical Copy Editing
People Skills for Copy Editors
Know Your Clients
Style Sheets
Building Your Copy Editing Portfolio
Starting Out as a Freelance Copy Editor
Editorial Freelancer's Skill Set
Copy Editing vs. Proofreading
Emotions and Branding
Savvy Web Developers Watch Page Footers
Opimizing Your Web Illustrations
Working in the Media Means Devouring the Media
Joining Freelance Communities
The Power of Networking
The Difference Between a Copywriter and a Proofreader
Ghost Writing: A Creative Way to Earn Money Freelancing
Getting Involved in Your Industry
The Freelance "Bible"
Savvy Web Developers Watch Page Footers
Opimizing Your Web Illustrations
Finding a Reputable Freelance Agency
Working in the Media Means Devouring the Media
Joining Freelance Communities
The Power of Networking
The Difference Between a Copywriter and a Proofreader
Ghost Writing: A Creative Way to Earn Money Freelancing
The Freelance "Bible"
Getting Involved in Your Industry
Corporate Identity
Logo Design
Re-Energizing a Tired Brand
Launching a New Brand
Branding and Naming
Brand Disconnect
Brand Management as a Creative Career
Brand Management and People Management
Brand Management By the Numbers
Should You Work for Free?
Pricing Your Work
The World is Your Market
Filling the Gaps in Your Portfolio
Effective Electronic Portfolios
Am I a Freelancer or a Contractor?
Competing for Freelance Work
Art Director vs. Creative Director
Art Director? Join the Club
Placing an Ad for an Advertising Art Director
Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines
Refreshing Your Web Content
The American Copy Editors Society
The Crowning Touch of Headlines
What a Good Web Copy Editor Can Do For You
Beyond Technique
What a Creative Director Does
Banner Ads: An Easy Way to Promote Your Business
Computer Knowledge of Graphic Designers
How to Be a Great Graphic Designer
The Craft of an Established Graphic Designer
What to Look Out for When Hiring a Graphic Designer
Flexibility for Employers
Starting a Freelance Career
Where to Look for a New Hire
Avoid Burnout
Electronic Cold Calls
Freelance Desktop Publishing Work
The Big Red Pen
Hiring a Freelance Designer
Designing Logos
Going to School for Graphic Art
Portfolios For Graphic Artists
Showcase Your Graphic Artist's Work
Tricks of the Graphic Art Trade
A Picture Says A Thousand Words
Getting Work as a Freelance Illustrator
Illustration: Where the Work Is & How to Get It
Keeping Your Online Portfolio Safe
Making a Commercial? Hire a Storyboard Illustrator
The Science of Illustration
An Exercise in Print Design
Direct Mail: Don't Underestimate The Power of the Post
Innovation In Print Design
Offer Your Clients Variety
Using A Placement Agency To Find Print Design Talent
How to Start a Career as a Freelance Proofreader
How to Stay Organized as a Proofreader
Paying a Proofreader
Proofreading Overview
References For Proofreaders
Styles of Proofreading
Why You Need a Proofreader
Creative vs. Conservative
Joining a Web Design Firm
Paying Your Web Design Firm
How a Web Designer Can Increase Your Business
Negotiating Pay For Web Design Work
Web Design By Any Other Name
Web Designers, Do Your Homework!
When Hiring a Freelance Web Designer
Considering Custom Web Development
Resources For Web Developers
Freelance Programming Jobs
Health Insurance For Freelancers
History of Freelance
Taxation and Freelance Work
Ta-da! You're a Freelancer
Yes, You Need a Proofreader
A Freelance Art Director's Career
A Freelance Creative Director's Career
What Skills Do I Need to Be a Creative Director?
Your Freelance Portfolio
What Does a Brand Manager Do?
How to Hire a Graphic Designer
For Designers Who Hate Marketing
Elements of a Freelance Design Contract
Getting Paid for Graphic Design Work
What Do Production Artists Do?
Finding Web Design Jobs
Know Your Users
Communicating with Freelancers
Freelancers at a Distance
In-House or Off-Site?
The Lure of Inexpensive Freelancers
Word of Mouth
Transitioning from In-house to Freelance
The Ups & Downs of Freelancing
So You Want To Be A Web Developer
Spec Sites
The Challenges of Web Developers
The Importance Of Web site Maintenance
Tools For Good Web Site Developers
What Web Developers Charge
Copyrights to Your Web Site
Art Direction in Film
New Business? Advertise Professionally for Less
Copy Writers vs. Copy Editors
What is Print Media Design?
Creating the Look of Your Company
Does Your Graphic Artist Have Computer And Print Skills?
Getting What You Need From Your Graphic Artist
How to Stay in Business as a Freelance Graphic Artist
Being a Freelance Creative Director
Beginning a Career in Freelance Graphic Design
Graphic Design Jobs
A Quick Fix for Your Freelance Career
Going From Freelance to Full-time
Preparing for Your Web Designer
The Job of an Art Director
Versatility As A Copy Editor
Hiring an Entry-level Creative Art Director
What's in the Portfolios of Talented Graphic Designers
Nine-to-Five Not Your Thing?
Rates and Contracts for Freelancers
Where the Freelancers Are
Where to Find Graphic Artists
Illustrators' Home Offices
Print Design: The Client is King
What to Expect When You Hire a Freelance Proofreader
What a Logo Design Firm Can Do For You
Web Site Design: To HTML or Not to HTML?
Freelance Design Frequently Asked Questions
What does it take to be a great freelance graphic designer?
What are the skill levels of beginning graphic designers?
What are some typical freelance graphic design jobs?
What is the artistic talent of a successful graphic designer?
How do I know what talents good freelance graphic designers should have?
What computer programs should a graphic designer know?
What should I be wary of when hiring a graphic designer?
How can I promote my business online?
What is print media design?
How can I increase my freelance print design work?
Should I use a placement agency to fill my print design needs?
What is an important aspect of good print design?
How can I take care of my print design clients' needs?
Is direct mail advertising obsolete?
How can I be a web developer?
What kind of software should I know to be a good web site developer?
How can I build my web development portfolio?
Should I have my website custom developed?
What is a challenge facing web developers today?
Where can I find other web developers?
How much does a web developer charge?
Will a web developer manage my website once its up?
What does an Art Director do?
Is there a community of art directors out there?
What is the difference between an Art Director and a Creative Director?
Can I afford an advertising team?
What should I put in a job description if I want to hire an advertising art director?
Where else can an art director work besides advertising?
What are the skills of a freelance creative director?
What else does a creative director need to know besides the technical aspects of a project?
What is the job description for a creative director?
What should I look for in an entry-level creative art director?
How can I get regular work as a freelance illustrator?
What should a freelance illustrator's home office have?
How can I jump-start my freelance illustration career?
How important is it to hire a graphic illustrator for my advertisements?
Will I need a storyboard artist for my commercial ad?
Are there artists who specialize in scientific drawings?
How can I protect my online illustration portfolio?
Are there other names for web designers?
How much should I get paid as a web designer?
Do web designers have to know HTML?
How can I be a better web designer?
How do I know if a web designer is right for my company?
What else can a web designer help me to do?
Can I do anything to assist the freelance web designer I am hiring?
Who owns the copyright to my website?
How well do copy editors need to know the language?
How much copy should be in an ad?
How can I improve my skills as a copy editor?
How important is meeting a deadline as a freelance copy editor?
Should I hire a web copy editor for my site?
What is the difference between a copy writer and a copy editor?
How important are headlines in the copy editing business?
What if I have a lot of copy to be edited but cannot afford two copy editors?
Do I need to update my website content?
What is the ACES?
What does a proofreader do?
What tools to proofreaders use?
How can I become a freelance proofreader?
Do I really need to hire a proofreader?
How do I keep track of my proofreading jobs?
What can I expect from a proofreader?
Which proofreading style should I use?
How should I pay my proofreader?
What do I need to know about taxes and freelance work?
When should I start a freelance career?
Where can I find freelancers?
What is the best way to build a good career as a freelance programmer?
What do I need to know about hiring a freelance designer?
Am I cut out for freelancing?
Why is it called "freelance" work?
What about health insurance for freelance workers?
How can I build my client base?
How many freelance jobs should I take at once?
What is electronic cold calling?
Can I get into freelance desktop publishing?
Will my proofreader edit as well?
How important are contracts in freelance work?
How much work should I put in my graphic arts portfolio?
Can I study graphic art in school?
How can I be a better graphic artist?
Any tips for logo design?
How do I keep my freelance graphic arts career going?
Where can I find a graphic artist?
How important are computer skills and print skills in graphic arts?
How can I make sure my graphic artist does what I need him/her to?
What else can I do with the designs my graphic artist has created?
How do I get started as a freelancer?
How can I shift from freelance to full-time?
Am I stuck working nine-to-five?
Can a job placement service help me find an employee?
Where can I find a temporary employee?
What can I do if I run out of freelance work through my regular clients?
When exactly do I have to pay my web design firm?
What can a graphic design firm do for my company?
Should I join a web design firm?
What's so important about a company logo?
What does my design style say about where I should apply for work?
Is there a book I can pick up for help with my freelance career?
How can I get more involved in my career as a graphic artist?
freelancing, ghost writing
What is the difference between a proofreader and a copywriter?
How can I get started as a freelance writer in my community?
How can I feel like I fit in as a freelancer?
What's the best way to stay fresh in my freelancing field?
How can I find a reputable freelance agency to do business with?
How can I optimize my Web illustrations?
How does a Web developer keep his or her pages looking fresh?
How do I get started as a freelancer?
What should be in my freelance portfolio?
How can I stand out from the competition?
Am I a freelancer or a contractor?
How can I create an effective electronic portfolio?
What if an employer wants something I haven't done yet?
How can I reach prospective clients in faraway places?
How much should I charge?
Should I work for free when I'm just getting started?
What is a brand manager?
What information will I gather as a brand manager?
What's the best approach to the human side of brand management?
Is there a creative side to brand management?
What is "brand disconnect"?
How do I name a product?
What can I do to make a new product launch successful?
What are some ideas for reviving a tired brand?
What is the role of emotions in branding?
What is the difference between a copy editor and a proofreader?
What are the skills I need as a copy editor?
How can I get started as a freelancer?
What should go in my freelance editing portfolio?
What is a style sheet?
How can I find organizations that might hire me?
What people skills do I need as a freelance copy editor?
What is technical editing?
What does a fact checker do?
What does a content writer do?
What do I need to know about Search Engine Optimization?
What are some first steps in understanding how copywriters work?
How can I learn more about my target audience?
What are some characteristics of great headlines?
What kind of language should I use in copywriting?
Do I need a proofreader?
Should my copy be more logical or more emotional?
What needs to be in my portfolio as a copywriter?
What skills do I need to be a creative director?
What do freelance creative directors do?
What does a freelance art director do?
How can I generate ideas for a client's project?
What do I do with the ideas generated in a brainstorming session?
How can I gain the business knowledge needed to advance as an advertising manager?
I'm not a designer. How can I judge a person's design portfolio?
What programs do I need to know as an art director?
Which is more important, design or copy?
What if I find I don't enjoy marketing my design skills?
What should I look for in an agency?
What kinds of graphic design agencies are there?
What's the best way to hire a graphic designer?
What kinds of jobs are there in graphic design?
I'm doing fine as a freelancer. Why would I want to work with an agency?
Will I have to pass a test to work at an agency?
What is it like to work for an agency?
My agency is offering training courses. Are they worth it?
What do I need to know to design a good logo?
What are some very basic principles of Web design?
What are three questions I need to answer before designing an ad?
What are the design challenges in an annual report?
What happens after I design a logo?
How can I design an effective catalog?
What do I need to know to design good packaging?
What are 'integrated media'?
What do I need to do to design good video?
What should go in my contract for freelance design work?
How can I make sure I get paid for my work?
What should a mockup accomplish?
Should I bother the client while I'm working on a job?
Should I get a partner for my graphic design business?
Should I give my work away?
How can I bring up the subject of price with a new client?
How can I decide how much to charge?
What if I need help to get a freelance job done?
What do production artists do?
What does a production artist need to know about type?
What is proofing?
What is preflighting and why do I need to know about it?
What do I need to know to do revisions?
What is a press check and how do I do it?
What is Quark and do I need to learn it?
Do I need to learn Adobe Illustrator?
Do I need to learn Photoshop?
How can I find good Web design jobs?
What if a client just wants a small, cheap site?
What graphics formats work on the Web?
What do I need to know about my audience?
What is "user experience" and what do I need to know about it?
What are some guidelines for effective Web navigation?
How can I design pages that work on any browser?
What can I do to make my sites more accessible to disabled people?
My client wants me to design ads for the Web. What works?
Should I bring a freelance designer onto my work site?
How can I be sure a distant freelancer is doing my job?
The kid next door can use Photoshop. Why should I pay a pro?
What do I need to know before I hire a freelancer?
What should be in a freelance design contract?
How often should I check in with a freelancer?
My freelancer wants a testimonial, but I don't want to give one. What can I do?
How can I prevent problems with freelance payments?
What if I want to a freelancer to fill a permanent opening?
When would I want to train a freelancer?
How can I get more involved in my career as a graphic artist?
freelancing, ghost writing
How can I get started as a freelance writer in my community?
What's the best way to stay fresh in my freelancing field?
How can I find a reputable freelance agency to do business with?

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Guru Spotlight
Lynda Moultry